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1st Annaul Labour Outsourcing Summit

The labour outsourcing sector has become increasingly prevalent in Kenya, and its growth has been rapid. However, the absence of clear legislation to govern this industry has created a significant challenge for both players and stakeholders. Despite the lack of clear legal frameworks, various court rulings have been made over the years, which have helped shape the law governing labour outsourcing practices.

To address this issue, RPMC Ltd has organized the '1st Annual Labour Outsourcing Summit,' which seeks to bring together key players in the industry and Employment & Labour Relations Court Judges. The summit aims to discuss various court rulings, emerging challenges, and best practices in the labour outsourcing sector. By providing a platform for stakeholders to engage in a robust and exclusive conversation, the summit presents a unique opportunity to shape the future of the labour outsourcing industry in Kenya. Those interested in being part of this critical conversation should book their chance now.

Payment Instructions

  • Go to your Lipa na M-PESA Menu
  • Select Pay Bill
  • Enter Business Number 400222
  • For the Account Number, enter 472370#LABYourName
  • Amout ksh 30,000 + 4,800(VAT)
  • Enter your M-PESA PIN and Send

Ksh 30,000 (Tax Exclusive)

  • RSVP
  • Payment Via mpesa
  • PayBill Number:400222
  • Account Number: 472370#LABYourName